• Catherine VAUTRIN

    Minister of Labour, Health and Solidarity

    With a Master's degree in Business Law, she joined the American insurance company CIGNA in 1986 as Product Manager. For 13 years, she was marketing and communications director in France and then for continental Europe.

    A member of the RPR party at the age of 20, in 1983 she became the youngest member of the city councillor's team in Reims, a position she held until 1999..

    In 1999, she became Deputy Director General of the Champagne-Ardenne Regional Council, in charge of management and operational services.

    In June 2002, she was elected to the French National Assembly as a UMP member. A member of the French National Assembly's Economic Affairs Committee, she chairs various missions and is appointed rapporteur for major bills relating to the economy, finance and industry (post and telecommunications), and economic initiative.

    On March 31, 2004, she was appointed Secretary of State for Integration and Equal Opportunities, then on October 28, 2004 Secretary of State for the Elderly, and finally on June 2, 2005 Minister of state in charge of Social Cohesion and Parity.

    Re-elected as a Member of Parliament in 2007, she became vice-president of the Economic Affairs Committee and a member of the UMP party board.

    In 2008, she returned to the Reims city council.

    Elected Vice-President of the French National Assembly on October 1, 2008, she is also President of the Communication and Press Delegation of the National Assembly until July 2011. At that time, appointed First Vice-President of the National Assembly, she chairs the delegation responsible for international activities, until the end of the XIIIth legislature.

    Re-elected Deputy for the Marne in 2012, she was re-elected Vice-President of the French National Assembly in 2014.

    In March 2014, she was re-elected as Reims city councillor and community councillor.

    In April 2014, she was elected president of the Reims Métropole agglomeration community, which became the Greater Reims urban community in 2017. She is re-elected in July 2020.

    Since June 2014, she has been elected president of the Association of French University Towns - AVUF.

    On August 31, 2022, she was appointed President of the National Agency for Urban Renewal - ANRU by decree of the French President.