Jacques-Olivier DAUBERTON

General Practitioner; President

Saint Rémy en Bouzemont, ReAGJIR


Jacques Olivier DAUBERTON is a general practitioner, previous president of the Regroupement Autonome des Généralistes Jeunes Installés et Remplaçants (ReAGJIR). He began his medical studies in Saint-Etienne, faculty Jacques Lisfranc, after leaving his native Guadeloupe. During his university course, he will participate in the federation des étudiants de Saint-Etienne (FES) and the Fédération des associations générales étudiante (FAGE). He chose to be resident in family practice at Reims in 2007, and was elected in the same time, in the board of the Intersyndicale nationales autonome des internes de médecine générale (ISNAR-IMG), and to organize the national convention in Reims in 2008. He will remain in the office 3 years. He participated in the creation of the fédération des maisons et pôle de santé de Champagne-Ardenne in 2012. He was elected to the ReAGJIR office in 2012, where he became president in 2014. In parallel, he created a multidisciplinary MSP in in champagne Ardenne in 2014.

CHAM 2016

Liberal or Entrepreneurial Medicine?

Face to Face 30 September 2016, 12h00 - 12h20