Medical Advisor

French Federation of Home Hospitalization - FNEHAD


Mickael Benzaqui, MD, is a public health physician and medical advisor to the French National Federation of institutions of home hospitalization (FNEHAD) since 2016.
Recently graduated with the ENA – Paris Dauphine Master’s degree in public-sector management, he also graduated with political science (Sorbonne Paris Cité – Paris Nord) and hospital management (EHESP – Paris Diderot) master’s degrees.
He is former Spokesman and President of the French Junior Doctor Trade Union (2013-2015). In 2017, he publishes “ Ce que l’Europe a fait pour les internes ” (« What European Union did for medical residents ») analyzing the 20-year road to reduce residents’ work-hours.

CHAM 2017

Towards other ways of practicing?

Debate 29 September 2017, 14h45 - 15h15