Nicolas BOUZOU

Economist; President



Nicolas Bouzou is an essayist and economist, born in France in 1976. He is graduated in economics from the University Paris X Nanterre and from Sciences Po Paris. He is the founding director of Asterès, a leading economic consultancy.
He is also the creator of the Belém Circle, a think-tank that gathers together European progressive and liberal intellectuals.
Nicolas is a professor of economics at the MBA Law & Management program of the University of Paris II Assas. He is the author of several best-selling books. He is a regular contributor to major French economic newspapers. He can be heard or seen frequently on the radio or on television.

CHAM 2022

Predicting: up to what point?

Debate 30 September 2022, 09h30 - 10h10

CHAM 2022

Efficiency in healthcare: at what cost?

Debate 30 September 2022, 17h55 - 18h50