General Manager of the CH Sud Seine-et-Marne; President

Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers (MNH)


Benoît Fraslin is President of the Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers and the Groupe MNH since September 2021 after having served as Administrator and then as Vice-President of the MNH. Graduated from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Benoît Fraslin is a hospital Director. He manages the Centre Hospitalier du Sud Seine-et-Marne (resulting from the merger of Centres Hospitaliers de Fontainebleau, Monterault-Fault-Yonne, Nemours) and EHPADs of Beaumont-du-Gâtinais, Samois-sur-Seine and Château-Landon. Since June 2022, Benoît Fraslin is also President of the Banque Française Mutualiste.

CHAM 2022

From care facilities to the home: working together

Debate 30 September 2022, 15h05 - 15h45