Liver Surgeon - Chairman of BOPA

Hôpital Paul Brousse - AP-HP


Prof. Eric VIBERT, MD, PhD, is 51-year-old academic surgeon at AP-HP specialized in the liver surgery and transplantation at Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, where he works 2007. He had more than 130 International Congress Communication and 30 invited plenary conferences in International meetings. With a H-index of 43, he had 212 publications on liver diseases (27 in 2021), 27 as first author and 40 in last author (See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=vibert+e). He graduated in Innovative treatment of post-hepatectomy liver failure, U-PSUD in 2012, when he also received his habilitation to direct research. E.Vibert is currently full Professor PU-PH and researcher in surgical innovation (Paris Saclay Univ and INSERM U1193), connecting people arising from different worlds, especially engineers and surgeons to reinvent practices in surgery. From 2019, he is chairman of large consortium including Paris-Saclay Univ, Mines Telecom School and AP-HP called BOPA for enhanced Operating room ((www.chaire-bopa.fr) that involved surgeon, anesthesiologist, surgical nurse and mathematician, engineers, anthropologist to improve safety in operating room. BOPA is a large public/private consortium that it funded by 2 Foundations using an important financial sponsorship from Orange, Medtronics, Relyens, Boston Scientific Foundation, Richard Wolf, Getinge, Caresyntax and Capgemini. He is the author of the book “Droit à l’Erreur, Devoir de Transparence” Ed Observatoire. Paris 2021.

CHAM 2022

Error and fault

Debate 30 September 2022, 16h15 - 16h55