Audrey UZEL


KOS Avocats


Audrey Uzel has been working in the health and medical-social field for more than 10 years. She was an associate at Houdart et Associés and Cormier-Badin, before setting up her own firm.
Her main areas of practice are: health organization (authorizations, groupings, professional communities of health territories, health centers, installation of self-employed persons, practice contracts, etc.), tariff litigation (T2A, undue payments by self-employed professionals, financial sanctions, etc.), disciplinary litigation, medical liability, the hospital civil service and criminal health law.
She regularly delivers training courses in her office and with recognized partners (L'Entreprise médicale, Comundi...), and teaches to professionals in the sector (EHESP, IFROSS).
She is the editor of the legal sections of magazines dedicated to the health sector (Clinic, Objectifs soins et management, L'infirmière libérale).
During the year 2020-2021, Audrey Uzel completed her skills with a University Diploma in "Mediation and Conflict Management", in order to promote the development of amicable conflict resolution methods. This new academic background allows her to effectively assist her clients in negotiations, conciliation, mediation, but also to be appointed as a mediator, whether in the context of cooperation projects (project mediation) or in the event of a conflict (conventional or judicial mediation). She completed this diploma with a training in professional co-development, a tool of collective intelligence, allowing to work within a group on a professional problem experienced by someone.

CHAM 2022

Error and fault

Debate 30 September 2022, 16h15 - 16h55