Vice President, General Manager

Amgen France


Corinne Blachier-Poisson is a graduate of HEC and holds a master's degree in international economics from the University of Paris-Dauphine.
She was responsible for the medico-economic evaluation at AFSSAPS between 1998 and 2002. After holding various organizational and marketing/sales positions at Rhône-Poulenc and Novartis, Corinne Blachier-Poisson joined Amgen France in 2009 where she has held several positions, first as business unit lead Nephrology, then Executive Director of the Oncology/Hematology Business Unit in 2011, and Executive Director of Value, Access & Policy lead in 2013. She then joined Amgen's headquarter in the Thousand-Oaks (California) on a mission dedicated to the Group's transformation, before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Amgen Belgium and Luxembourg in 2016, a position she had held until January 1, 2019 when she has been appointed Vice President and General Manager of Amgen France.
Today President of the largest affiliate of Amgen in Europe, Corinne is responsible for coordinating actions, and supporting its 380 employees in their missions.
She is also member of the Board of Directors of the LEEM and President of Agipharm.

CHAM 2023

To assess the training of caregivers

Debate 28 September 2023, 15h00 - 15h40