Chief Executive Officer

Federation of private non-profit institutions - FEHAP


Charles Guépratte has been CEO of FEHAP since 2022. Prior to that, he was head of the Nice University Hospital since 2016, Charles Guépratte was also involved in the Union of Hospitals for Purchasing (UniHA), of which he was president (2017-2022), as well as on digital health topics as president of the Regional Support Group for e-Health Development (GRADeS PACA) (2018-2021).
A graduate of EHESP, his professional life has been built within the public and private sectors.
First, in the public hospital sector, as Director of Purchasing for the Nancy University Hospital (2003-2004), then as Chief of Staff for the General Director of the University Hospital while managing the Pont à Monsoon University Hospital (2005-2007).
Then, in the service of the State, he was technical advisor for the organization of care in the cabinet of the Minister of Health and Sports, Roselyne Bachelot. In this capacity, he participated in the elaboration of the HPST law, but also in the development plan for palliative care and in the political instruction of the "Hospital 2012" investment files.
In the service of the private sector, he was deputy CEO of the Gustave Roussy Institute (2009-2016) where he chaired the Executive Board of the Gustave Roussy Foundation and participated in the international development of Gustave Roussy's activities as President and CEO of SAS Gustave Roussy International (2015-2016).

CHAM 2023

How to assess the quality of a hospital?

Debate 28 September 2023, 17h40 - 18h30