
European Institute for Creative Strategies and Innovation


Marc Giget is President of the European Institute for Creative Strategies and Innovation (EICSI) and of the Club de Paris des Directeurs de l’Innovation. He is a member of the Académie des Technologies.

A leading expert on innovation and its impact on human progress, Marc Giget first devoted himself to research on the socio-economic and strategic issues of technical progress. He wrote the book "La dynamique stratégique de l'entreprise", which won the McKinsey Management Book Prize in 1998.

He then created and directed for 15 years a high-tech investment evaluation firm, world leader in its specialties (feasibility and evaluation of projects in the fields of space, telecoms, broadcasting, digital platforms, navigation, localization, resource management).

From 1998 to 2008, he held the Chair of Economics and Management of Technology and Innovation at the Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers - CNAM.

In 2000, he created "Les Mardis de l'innovation", conferences and free training for excellence in innovation and human progress where, for 22 years, more than 700 innovation actors have spoken.

He published in 2018 the book " Les nouvelles stratégies d'innovation, vision prospective 2030 " at Éditions du Net and in 2021 " Pérennité, innovation et résilience des entreprises ", Editions EICSI.

CHAM 2023

Technological innovation to the rescue of the organization of the system?

Debate 29 September 2023, 11h30 - 12h30