Health services Director

Malakoff Humanis


Laurent Borella has been Health services Director of the Malakoff Médéric-Humanis group since May 2008 and Vice-President of the KALIXIA healthcare access services platform. At Malakoff Humanis, he oversees the Group's healthcare innovations and services for policyholders, particularly in the areas of access to care and prevention.

Technical advisor to the cabinet of Jean-François Mattei, Minister for Health, the Family and the Disabled, then to Philippe Douste-Blazy, Minister for Solidarity, Health and the Family, in charge of the National Cancer Plan. He helped set up the French National Cancer Institute – INCa (Director of Care, then of Partnerships - 2004 to 2008).

Previously, he was CEO of Unicancer, the French hospital federation dedicated to the fight against cancer, where he set up a national observatory for innovative treatments, headed the hospital strategy and management department, restructured the trial-research sector, and coordinated INSERM and CNRS research teams in a multi-site program on the genomic identity card for breast tumors.

Author of some twenty scientific publications in health economics, and numerous articles and communications in the health field.

He holds a master of science - DEA in Materials Physics (École Centrale de Lyon-1986), followed by training at the IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School (1989).

CHAM 2023

Prescription controlled by AI?

Debate 28 September 2023, 16h10 - 16h50